Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Mirapuri, die europäische Friedensstadt in Italien und Miravillage, ihr erster Satellit in Deutschland: Zwei aktive Lichtinseln für den Puls von Europa

Mirapuri, die europäische Friedensstadt  in Italien und Miravillage,  ihr erster Satellit in Deutschland: Zwei aktive Lichtinseln  für den Puls von Europa

Mirapuri als europäische Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Italien und ihr erster Satellit Miravillage in Deutschland  stehen für Frieden, Freiheit, Demokratie, Gerechtigkeit, Gleichheit, Menschenrechte und Solidarität. Auf der Grundlage von Freiheit und Toleranz sind Mirapuri und Miravillage aktive Verwirklichungen für das Erlebnis unserer europäischen Wertegemeinschaft, wo sich das friedliche Miteinander-Leben einen kreativen, progressiven und inspirierenden Ausdruck erschaffen kann. Mirapuri und Miravillage stehen für das Kostbare von Europa als Freiraum für Selbstverwirklichung und als Schutzraum vor Armut, Unfrieden und Unfreiheit. In Mirapuri und Miravillage wird die europäische Identität durch Pflege des internationalen Miteinanders gestärkt, das sich in der Überzeugung von Menschen ausdrückt, die sagen: Wir wollen Teil der europäischen Gemeinschaft sein, weil wir gemeinsame Werte teilen. Wir wollen Europa als gelebte und geeinte Vielfalt sein.
Mirapuri und ihr erster Satellit Miravillage setzen sich für das Entstehen einer europäisch-eurasischen föderalen Union als Zukunftschance des europäisch-eurasischen  Kontinents ein und gestalten  in diesem Sinn allgemein gültige ökologische, gesellschaftspolitische, humanistisch-spirituelle und bewusstseinsforschende Konzepte. Mirapuri und Miravillage wollen mit ihren Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zu dem Fortschritt des demokratischen Europa beitragen und mithelfen, dass die Bürger von Europa ihre Identifikation mit Europa finden. Zu diesem Zweck bieten Mirapuri und Miravillage alljährlich und während dem ganzen Jahr eine Vielzahl von Festivals und Kulturveranstaltungen in den Bereichen Musik, Kunst, Literatur, Film, Handwerk, Wellness, Heilung, Gastronomie, Ökologie und Energiespar-Architektur an, zu denen die Menschen aus allen europäischen Nationalstaaten und der ganzen Welt als Besucher oder aktiv Teilnehmende kommen können.
Mirapuri und ihr erster Satellit Miravillage, mit all ihren Möglichkeiten, sind Projekte der europäischen Zusammenführung, zwei evolutiv gelebte Modelle und gemeinsame Forschungsorte für das demokratische, humanistisch-spirituelle und bewusstseinsforschende Miteinander.
Mirapuri gemeinsam mit Miravillage praktizieren mit ihrem kulturellen Engagement Anregungen zu echter Toleranz, tatsächlicher kultureller Vielfalt und unzensierter Kommunikation von guten Ideen zu den Schwerpunkt-Themen Europa und das Ideal der Weltvereinigung.
Mirapuri und Miravillage werden von Menschen gestaltet, die mündige Akteure in der Begegnungsstätte Europa sind, die sich als würdige Europäer verstehen und nicht als untertänige, desinteressierte und unverständige Nutznießer der Vorteile, die das Abenteuer und Unternehmen Europa uns allen bietet. Mirapuri und Miravillage beantworten auf ihre Weise die Frage, was man für Europa tun kann und setzen ihre Gestaltungskraft dafür ein, Europa zu wollen, Solidarität zu zeigen und mit zu helfen, das europäisch-eurasische Netzwerk der Menschlichkeit wirtschaftlich, sozial, kulturell, spirituell und bewusstseinsforschend zu stärken.

‘INTENSITY’ Art Exhibition of New Michel Montecrossa Paintings & Drawings at the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri from 19th April 2014 – 24th October 2014 Daily 15:00 – 19:00


On 19th April 2014 starting 19:00 opening of the INTENSITY Art Exhibition of 106 new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings for the Spring-Summer season in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omndiet Resort and Business Hotel, via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, (No), Italy.

As part of the opening of the exhibition Michel Montecrossa with his band The Chosen Few performs his GOOD MUSIC IS WHAT I GIVE Cyberrock, Dance, Electronica Concert from 22:00 – 24:00.

From 19th April till 24th October 2014 the ‘INTENSITY’ Spring-Summer Art Exhibition of 106 new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings can be seen every day from 3 p.m. till 7 p.m. in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omndiet Resort and Business Hotel.
Michel Montecrossa about his INTENSITY Art Exhibition:
“As an artist I experience myself to be on the adventure journey into the future.”

The INTENSITY Art Exhibition presents new Michel Montecrossa masterpieces of deeply touching impact, profundity, insight and vision created by the genius of Michel Montecrossa, one of the most outstanding 21st century modern universal artists.
The INTENSITY Art Exhibition includes 106 stunning paintings and drawings like the thrilling ‘Call Of The Festival’, ‘Madonna Of Love And Work’ and ‘Selfportrait As A Landscape’.
All paintings and drawings are available as high resolution digital art prints on canvas or art paper in the original size.
The INTENSITY Art Exhibition is presented in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort And Business Hotel in Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy.


Mirapuri New Art Gallery
of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
I-28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte (NO)
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

New Age Seminars 2014 in Mirapuri

with Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali

presented by the Sri Aurobindo University in Mirapuri, Italy

The New Age Seminars with Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali as well as other participants from Mirapuri take place five times a year, in February, April, August, October and November. They are part of the Sri Aurobindo University activities in Mirapuri.

  • It is the aim of the New Age Seminars to help to expand the consciousness on all levels, to make real the further evolution of man into Futureman and the corresponding consciousness growth.
  • The New Age Seminars take up all spiritual and material consciousness research aspects to unify these two sides of the world-completeness in a comprehensive and progressive way.
  • The basis of the New Age Seminars are the work of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother and the documentations of Mirapuri’s Consciousness Research.
  • The New Age Seminars on this basis explore the psychic-mental as well as the vital-physical possibilities of man’s further evolution into Futureman and the related planetary ways of expression.
  • The New Age Seminars are also the main forum for the ongoing expression of the progress of Mirapuri and Miravillage and their experiences and realizations.
  • Participation at the New Age Seminars is free of cost. For boarding and lodging the prices at the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel are valid.
  • All Books, Audio-CDs and DVDs related to the themes of the New Age Seminars are available from

Booking and more information:
Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri
Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte (Provincia di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009


The New Age Seminars 2014 throughout the year are dedicated to the themes:

Meditations On Savitri, The Integral Yoga and New Dimensions of Consciousness Research

New Age Seminar Dates 2014

21. February 2014

Lecture and presentation of the fifth part of the ‚Meditations On Savitri‘ Movie-Series featuring Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual consciousness stream poem ‚Savitri‘ (Savitri Book V and VI)

24. April 2014

Lecture and presentation of the sixth part of the ‚Meditations On Savitri‘ Movie-Series featuring Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual consciousness stream poem ‚Savitri‘ (Savitri Book VII)

15. August 2014

Lecture and presentation of the seventh part of the ‚Meditations On Savitri‘ Movie-Series featuring Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual consciousness stream poem ‚Savitri‘ (Savitri Book VIII, IX and X)

28. October 2014

Lecture and Movie-Presentation dedicated to the theme ‚The Integral Yoga and New Dimensions of Consciousness Research‘

24. November 2014

Lecture and presentation of the eighth part of the ‚Meditations On Savitri‘ Movie-Series featuring Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual consciousness stream poem ‚Savitri‘ (Savitri Book XI and XII)

The New Age Seminars begin at 12 noon with the Darshan Meditation in the Miravinci, the Meditation Center of Mirapuri. The Lectures and Movie-Presentations begin at 4 p.m. in the Omnidiet Music-Hall, concerts take place in the Omnidiet Music-Hall at 10 p.m.

Booking and more information:
Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri
Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte (Provincia di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Mirapuri World Literature Fest 2014

24th, 25th and 26th October 2014

New Mirapuri Literature, Audio-Books, Poetry & Music Fusions,
Poetry & Art Movies

Contact for more information, registration and roomreservation:
Mirapuri World Literature Fest
c/o Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri – Coiromonte (Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39 – 0322 – 999 009


The Mirapuri World Literature Fest 2014 presents:


Dreamspace Electronica Festival 2014

DreamSpace Banner

27th & 28th July 2014



The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy founded by Cyberrocker Michel Montecrossa, is sponsored by Filmaur Multimedia, Mira Sound Germany and the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri takes place every year in July in Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy at the Omnidiet Hotel and is open for all international electronica musicians and cyber artists.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri presents future-oriented creativity of 21st century music and art in the consciousness-expanding environment of Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri is one of the most outstanding european music and art events for progressive e-music and cyberart of the 21st century with a unique atmosphere of love, peace, joy and intelligent communication.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy takes place on Sunday, 27th July and Monday, 28th July 2014 in the open air area of the Omnidiet Hotel in Mirapuri.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest 2014 at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival during two days presents Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali, Diana Antara and their band The Chosen Few together with international electronica bands. They are performing music styles ranging from Dance, New Topical and Cyberrock to Viking Electronica and play every day from 19:00 – 24:00.

The DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Festival is also presenting a permanent Art Expo and Art Shop. Food and drinking are served by the unique Bavarian Oktoberfest style grill and Beerfest in the Festival Bierzelt.


  • Dance-Electronica: voice & electronica created joyful raving from speed to trance & meditation.
  • Topical: the futurist music and poetry dimension of electronica hitting the hot spots of life and world.
  • Cyberrock: voice, guitar & electronica based 21st century rock with poetic-topical lyrics.
  • Viking: voice & electronica created heroic and mystic orchestra.
  • Cyberart: computer generated virtuality and organicality images and movies.IF YOU WANT TO COME AS VISITOR OR AS PARTICIPATING MUSICIAN-ARTIST CONTACTOmnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
    Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Provincia di Novara, Italy
    Phone: +39-0322-999009, info@dreamspacefestival.com

Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri

25.7.2014 – 3.8.2014


The 22nd Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2014 in Mirapuri, Italy, from Friday 25th July till Sunday 3rd August 2014: 10 days of free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting open air concerts, hearty festival feastin‘ and drinkin‘, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
The new highlight for 2014 is the DreamSpace Electronica Fest at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy which presents on Sunday, 27th July and Monday, 28th July the best of live Electronica dancing and raving.


CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa ( started the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri together with the DreamSpace Electronica Fest, the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy.
Every year a new spirit of music of courage and hope, sweetness of soul and strength of joy reaches out for the future along with hearty festival feastin‘ and drinkin‘ and international coming together.
The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is creative with the mighty dream of Unity, Love and Freedom. Guest musicians from all over the world come together to play and sing along with Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few and an enthusiastic audience for ten days and nights every year in July / August.
Since its inception the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri together with the DreamSpace Electronica Fest, the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering and Mirapuri’s one and only Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy has developed into a great Free Music Event with free entrance, free camping, friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation and with an international flair and inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy.

„When will the world change into the model of heaven?
When all mankind becomes boys and girls together with God revealed as Krishna and Kali, the happiest boy and strongest girl of the crowd, playing together in the garden of Paradise.
The Semitic Eden was well enough, but Adam and Eve were too grown up and its God himself too old and stern and solemn for the offer of the Serpent to be resisted.“
Sri Aurobindo

Want to come to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival? Contact:

Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel –
Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Provincia di Novara, Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009, eMail:


Festival Artists:

International Free Cinema Film Festival

20th, 21st and 22nd June 2014

The Free Cinema Festival in Mirapuri, Italy is the International Film and Video Festival for all categories of movies in all languages.
The Free Cinema Festival in Mirapuri, Italy presents Mirapuri movie artists and their new consciousness approach to the art of movie making as well as international Friends of Mirapuri movie artists.
The Free Cinema Film Festival in Mirapuri takes place every year in June during three days of movie-screening, artist presentation and creative being together with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, drinks, food and Hotel accommodation.

Mirapuri Free Cinema Festival
c/o Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri – Coiromonte (Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39 – 0322 – 999 009, Fax: ++39 – 0322 – 999129


Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival 2014

Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival & Wellness Produkt Messe 2014 in Mirapuri

Das Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival & die Wellness Produkt Messe 2014 in Mirapuri (Italien) finden vom 29. Mai – 1. Juni 2014 statt. Das Festival bietet außer Wellness Musik Konzerten, Vorträgen und Seminaren die Präsentation von Produkten für die Gesunderhaltung aus dem Wellness & Beauty Bereich und Wellness Behandlungen. Gäste und Besucher können sich an internationalen vegetarischen und nicht-vegetarischen Menüs erfreuen, es gibt Spezialitäten vom Festival Grill, ansprechende Drinks sowie die Möglichkeit beim Mirasiddhi Free Nature Camping teilzunehmen.

Das Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival & die Wellness Produkt Messe in Mirapuri finden jedes Jahr im Frühling im Omnidiet Resort und Business Hotel in Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa (Italien), statt.

Das Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival bietet heilende Live-Musik, durch die Frieden, Meditation, Regeneration und Wohlbefinden angeregt werden und hat in seinem Programm Konzerte von Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali, Diana Antara begleitet von ihrem Lightsound Orchestra.

Das Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival findet in Kombination mit der Mirasiddhi Wellness Produkt Messe und dem Mirasiddhi Free Nature Camping statt.

Die Mirasiddhi Wellness Produkt Messe stellt eine große Auswahl von Qualitätsprodukten aus den Bereichen Wellness und Beauty vor und bietet darüber hinaus professionelle Massagen und Anwendungen aus dem Beauty Programm an.

Die Mirasiddhi Wellness Produkt Messe gibt des weiteren eine Einführung in Homöopathie, Ayurveda, Akupunktur und natürliche Heilmethoden und wird begleitet von Seminaren, Kunstausstellungen sowie meditativen Körperübungen für die Harmonisierung der Körper-Seele Polarität.

Das Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival ist in Kombination mit der Mirasiddhi Wellness Produkt Messe in Mirapuri ein bedeutsames 4-Tage Event, das während eines Wochenendes durch Vorträge und Seminare die Begegnung und Berührung mit umfassender Gesundheitserhaltung ermöglicht sowie das Erleben von Wellness und Beauty, vermittelt durch Musik, Kunst, Behandlungen und Produkte.

Während des Mirasiddhi Wellness Musik Festival & der Mirasiddhi Wellness Produkt Messe werden internationale vegetarische und nicht-vegetarische Menüs sowie Spezialitäten vom Grill und eine breite Palette von ansprechenden Drinks serviert.

Für Unterkunftsanfragen und Zimmerreservierungen kann man sich an das Omnidiet Resort und Business Hotel wenden:
Omnidiet Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte (Provincia di Novara), Italien
Tel: ++39-0322-999009

Sunrevolution Festival & Fair 2014


The Sunrevolution Festival & Fair is the annual presentation of the progress, products and services of Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy in the domains of innovation, music, art, science & industry for an international audience and customers.

The Sunrevolution Festival & Fair offers through stimulating contact with Mirapuri professionals, exhibitions, lectures, presentations, movies and concerts comprehensive possibilities to come in touch with the futuristic outlook, activities and services of Mirapuri, its plans and realizations in the context of a united humanity on the way into a better tomorrow.

  • You need professionals for planning and building your low-energy-consumption house or heating system?
  • You want effective solar-energy?
  • You are looking for best Wellness, Beauty and Ayurvedic treatment?
  • You are interested in health-food, homeopathic treatment, Bach flower therapy, Meditation, stimulating music, books and movies?

For this and more visit the SUNREVOLUTION FESTIVAL AND FAIR
in Mirapuri-Coiromonte at the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel from 10th May 2014

See exhibitions, meet the professionals. Get the products.


Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Provincia di Novara)
Phone; +39-0322-999009